Saturday, February 16, 2008

Step by step

To my surprise, I walked into my mom's hospital room and there she was sitting upright. (with help of pillows and the nurse) The doctor told me that he is amazed that she is recovering so quickly! He tells me that her nerves are swollen and that is why she has trouble moving her arms, legs etc. He told me that physio will be needed. So when we were alone I started moving my mom's arms and legs asking her to move them too. by th end of dy she was moving them side to side.

No new news on dad's flight. The insirance copany will no send me a fax deniing the flight. They said because thy neither said yes nor no! In limbo...niiiiiice!
So I faxed out some papers I found from the cruise that out lined his chest infection. He is still coughing. But the doctors here say its nothing. Grrrr! dont they know.....

All my contacts at Europe Assitance are off for the weekend. So not sure if any movement over the weekend. FUN!

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