Monday, February 11, 2008

From Bad to Worse

As many of you may or may not know, my parents were on a 21 day cruise over the christmas holidays. Their cruise ended on the 10th of Jan and they were to catch a flight home that day. Sadly that did not happen.
As the story goes, my parents never packed. On the morning of the departure for the cruise they decided to pack. But if you know anything about packing, a rushed packing frenzy equals frogotten things. Guess what was forgotten. MEDS! ALong with other things.
So my diabetic mother had couple viles of insulin and no test strips. So for days and days my mother had no clue what her blood sugars were. No clue how much insulin to give etc etc.
She ended up many times in the ship's emerg room. The doctor did his best to help her and him out. (As he had issues of his own)
By the end of the cruise my father was nuts and my mom in ketoacidosis. Meaning she was poisioning her body. Off to the hospital she went in Buenos Aires. ANd has been since. Not the same hospital mind you, but none the less here.

I flew down for a week in Feburary to deal with all the happenings. My father thinking that he is the King of th World and my poor mother. She got well quickly while I was here, but because of HIM she stayed. I had to go as I had work calling and bills.

Today the 11th Feb, I'm back in Buenos Aires. My mother is in an indused coma and on a respirator. SHe has phuenomia and it spread throughout her body. There is a term for it but it slips my mind. the doctors said she is doing better and are slowly taking her off the 5-6 IVs she is on. Once thoughs are done out comes the respirator. YAY. then home. I'm hoping this all happens this week!

Father is in a mental institute by court order. I know! This happened because he, thinking he can do as he pleases and is invincible; was out walking the streets of Bueno Aires wearing all the gold and shit he bought. The police finally said enough. And placed a court order on him.
Tomorrow I have an appointment to meet him, the doctors and who ever else to sign him off ordering him back to Canada. That will mean either a straight jacket (as the doctors here want) or heavy meds. I've been told that he wants to wait for mom. But I disagree and feel the better option is for him to go NOW. So this show down will be fun tomorrow.

Maria came down with me. She has a good heart. Although sometimes gets too involved and starts to drive me. Let me deal with things. but at least someone is here. Sadly ROb has to stay home and stake care of the ever growing family and house.

I feel sorry horrible having to put Rob through all this. He is such a strong guy. Nothing seems to phase him. It worries me that he holds back. I love him so much and appreciate all the support he gives me.

I think that is it for now. Gonna watch the one crappy channel I get. Thank goodness for Tivo downloads!

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