Thursday, February 14, 2008

Back to the beginning

Saw mom today. She is off the respirator. YAY!!! still on a feeding tube and a couple of IVs. She also doesn't really wake up. I guess the meds she was on haven't worn off. Hopefully today she will be awake and able to talk. Its kinda hard talking alone!
While at the hospital I recieve a message from Rob that there was a serious issue with the insurance company and my father. Great! So I cut my visit short and ran back to the hotel.

An email was sent out to me telling me that the insurance company will not cover the cost of the flight home for dear old dad. They do not cover mental issues. The believe that his past history of mental issues and resurfacing now and will not cover it. So the cost for flying him out will be at least $20,000.00 US.
So I told the lady I can't afford that, and to tell the insurance company to tell me what other option there is, or are they going to leave him here.

Here I thought everything was going well. Father was to leave Friday. Now uncertain. I don't need this stress. I'm at the end of my rope. Really.

So everyone here is now trying to find something to change the insurance's mind.
Lets hope they do.

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