Thursday, February 14, 2008

I love you

TOday is Valentine's Day. Sadly I am away from Rob; but I did send him a dozen long stem roses! He loved them! :) I'm glad he was happy!

Today was a productive day. I got my folks luggage and Maria and I cleaned and organized them. Most of the jewellry is gone. His camera is gone. Sadly its either been lost or stolen.

Visited mom. SHe is much better. On regular oxygen and she was very responsive to me and my questions. I asked her if she recognized me she answered yes. I asked her if she remembered my name she said George. That made me very relieved and happy.
The doctor came by and talked with me. Told me she is better, might be moved on Monday. Actually might go home on Monday. I hope so. The doctor advised me that mom might need physical therapy. This is becasue of the amount of time she was on the respirator. I asked if that meant she will be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life he said NO NO. Just a week or two max. Relief. After the doctor left I started to move my mom's arms and legs up and down asking her to hold and lift...but she couldn't. But thats ok I'll work on that. I noticed that my mom had a red spot on the end of her foot on the heel. I called in teh nurse and asked what that was. SHe told me in SPanish or course and I said "bed soar" and she said yes. I was like OMG!!! THis is not good. SHe can lose her foot, I told her. The nurse said no its only superficial. Its not deep. Oh I said. I then asked are there any other? She said yes. My heart dropped. On her back. Again she told me not to worry it is superficial and they are taking care of it. But I'm still very worried because after she left i went searching for it. Its HUGE. But is dressed and what not. so lets hope. After all that it was time for me to leave. As usual I rub my mom's head and brush her hair back with my hand. I tell her that I'm leaving to go sleep but will return again tomorrow. And I always end my visit with "I love you" Today she relied softly, "I love you".

Its amazing what 3 words can do to a grown man.

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