Tuesday, February 12, 2008

One day at a time

So day 2 in Buenos Aires.
The morning greeted us with rain. But that quickly changed to sun and heat and humidity.
Had an 11:00am meeting at the hospital my father is at. Met with the doctors and we agreed the best avenue is to get him back to Canada, even if its against his will. He wants to go with mom at the same time. One doctor explained that its not possible. Mom would be going via AirAmbulance and he could not be on it. So so far he's in agreement. So I signed all the paper work and it was sent off to the Judge. Hopefully tomorrow we will ahve signed copies. The insurance company told me hopefully they will be here either Thursday or Friday !!! I finally get ot meet the guy I've been talking with all this time from the travel insurance.

Mom. Mom is off most of her IV's. Only has 2. She is still very drugged up! but showing signs of alertness. She opened her eyes often and turn her head somewhat!!! Amazing. The little things we never think of that we do that is sooo important.
I talked with her for over an hour. Told her about the Portuguese food I made recently. Shopping. Anyting really. Hard to talk with someone who doesn't respond. But i know she can here me.
Its hard. Seeing my mom all tied up with tubes and wires and all that shit.

Well thats it for now. Time for bed soon. Time here seems to go faster then at home.
Tomorrow is an early day.

1 comment:

Linda Morris said...

I love you Baby, I didn't know that any of this was going on. If you need me, you know where to find me. Vent all you want - I'm here.