Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I'm home now. One would think I would be over the rainbow, but sadly I'm not. I'm happy to finally be home with my family. I hate the fact that we all had to put up with this. Life seems to love to throw crap at me.

Brought dad home. He went First Class on American Airlines. Maria went on his flight too but sat in Coach. I heard later on that she tried her hardest to get upfront but, the flight attendants were no dummies.

I took a later flight. I was suppose to be with mom. Sadly in the later afternoon the US nurse saw that her heart rate had increase and demanded tests to rule out things like a blood clott. The test came back neg. But they missed the flight.

I got home Friday afternoon, by late afternoon the insurance was calling. I thought it was to reconfirm the flight she was to take that evening. NO! She went in for an emergency operation on her Gallbladder. Lovely. Thankfully dad was admitted into GrandRiver Hospital in Kitchener. But of course Maria with her big mouth told him. The women doesn't get it!

The insurance company told me that she needed time to recover from the operation but if all went well she should be home by end of week.

Today being Tuesday, they are saying another week due to increased abdominal air/pressure due to the operation. Wonderful. Lets hope dad stays in until she is back. I doubt it.

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