Thursday, February 28, 2008

A New Purchase

We're buying this today.

Which means my clothes will start smelling like this.

Instead of this.

Too bad we didn't have a conservative gov't that created something like a tax free savings account or something.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I'm home now. One would think I would be over the rainbow, but sadly I'm not. I'm happy to finally be home with my family. I hate the fact that we all had to put up with this. Life seems to love to throw crap at me.

Brought dad home. He went First Class on American Airlines. Maria went on his flight too but sat in Coach. I heard later on that she tried her hardest to get upfront but, the flight attendants were no dummies.

I took a later flight. I was suppose to be with mom. Sadly in the later afternoon the US nurse saw that her heart rate had increase and demanded tests to rule out things like a blood clott. The test came back neg. But they missed the flight.

I got home Friday afternoon, by late afternoon the insurance was calling. I thought it was to reconfirm the flight she was to take that evening. NO! She went in for an emergency operation on her Gallbladder. Lovely. Thankfully dad was admitted into GrandRiver Hospital in Kitchener. But of course Maria with her big mouth told him. The women doesn't get it!

The insurance company told me that she needed time to recover from the operation but if all went well she should be home by end of week.

Today being Tuesday, they are saying another week due to increased abdominal air/pressure due to the operation. Wonderful. Lets hope dad stays in until she is back. I doubt it.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

some good news

My honey comes home tomorrow. At noon.

I'm happy.

Monday, February 18, 2008

The end is near

So yesterday (Sunday) I met with the new doctor who is taking over my parents. The other doctor (his sister) is on vacation. Would have been nice to have informed me of that. but I guess she was too busy packing the sun tan lotion.
I told the doctor that we should plan on a Monday flight. Mom was recovering fast and well. He disagreed. Imagine that a doctor disagreeing with a patient or son of a patient. He reminded me that I was not the doctor. Niiiice.
He said its the weekend and only Monday something (maybe) can be done. I was not impressed.
So today I called him to see what was up, now that everyone is back to work. He told me that he tried calling the insurance company but it was closed.....must be President's Day in the US or something. I advised him that even if it was a holiday, the insurance company is open 24/7!!! He disagreed.....AGAIN.
So I called and voila, they were open. I gave the good ol' doctor's phone number to them and told them to call.
I went on with my day. Got my mom new glasses as her's had broke. And took a visit to her. She finally moved out of ICU and into a room. Now this room...or small bachelor suite, is huge. Has a seperate livingroom and all. I could sleep there if I wanted to. Huge. And needless to point out, I was right inregards to mom's condition getting much much better.
I talked with the insurance comapny again, and they had bad news. They can not fly out until Tuesday night, which means we can't leave till Thursday. F'n doctor.
So now I'm stuck here till Thursday. More food, hotel and taxi to pay for. F'n doctor.
I'm so pissed.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Step by step

To my surprise, I walked into my mom's hospital room and there she was sitting upright. (with help of pillows and the nurse) The doctor told me that he is amazed that she is recovering so quickly! He tells me that her nerves are swollen and that is why she has trouble moving her arms, legs etc. He told me that physio will be needed. So when we were alone I started moving my mom's arms and legs asking her to move them too. by th end of dy she was moving them side to side.

No new news on dad's flight. The insirance copany will no send me a fax deniing the flight. They said because thy neither said yes nor no! In limbo...niiiiiice!
So I faxed out some papers I found from the cruise that out lined his chest infection. He is still coughing. But the doctors here say its nothing. Grrrr! dont they know.....

All my contacts at Europe Assitance are off for the weekend. So not sure if any movement over the weekend. FUN!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

I love you

TOday is Valentine's Day. Sadly I am away from Rob; but I did send him a dozen long stem roses! He loved them! :) I'm glad he was happy!

Today was a productive day. I got my folks luggage and Maria and I cleaned and organized them. Most of the jewellry is gone. His camera is gone. Sadly its either been lost or stolen.

Visited mom. SHe is much better. On regular oxygen and she was very responsive to me and my questions. I asked her if she recognized me she answered yes. I asked her if she remembered my name she said George. That made me very relieved and happy.
The doctor came by and talked with me. Told me she is better, might be moved on Monday. Actually might go home on Monday. I hope so. The doctor advised me that mom might need physical therapy. This is becasue of the amount of time she was on the respirator. I asked if that meant she will be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life he said NO NO. Just a week or two max. Relief. After the doctor left I started to move my mom's arms and legs up and down asking her to hold and lift...but she couldn't. But thats ok I'll work on that. I noticed that my mom had a red spot on the end of her foot on the heel. I called in teh nurse and asked what that was. SHe told me in SPanish or course and I said "bed soar" and she said yes. I was like OMG!!! THis is not good. SHe can lose her foot, I told her. The nurse said no its only superficial. Its not deep. Oh I said. I then asked are there any other? She said yes. My heart dropped. On her back. Again she told me not to worry it is superficial and they are taking care of it. But I'm still very worried because after she left i went searching for it. Its HUGE. But is dressed and what not. so lets hope. After all that it was time for me to leave. As usual I rub my mom's head and brush her hair back with my hand. I tell her that I'm leaving to go sleep but will return again tomorrow. And I always end my visit with "I love you" Today she relied softly, "I love you".

Its amazing what 3 words can do to a grown man.

Back to the beginning

Saw mom today. She is off the respirator. YAY!!! still on a feeding tube and a couple of IVs. She also doesn't really wake up. I guess the meds she was on haven't worn off. Hopefully today she will be awake and able to talk. Its kinda hard talking alone!
While at the hospital I recieve a message from Rob that there was a serious issue with the insurance company and my father. Great! So I cut my visit short and ran back to the hotel.

An email was sent out to me telling me that the insurance company will not cover the cost of the flight home for dear old dad. They do not cover mental issues. The believe that his past history of mental issues and resurfacing now and will not cover it. So the cost for flying him out will be at least $20,000.00 US.
So I told the lady I can't afford that, and to tell the insurance company to tell me what other option there is, or are they going to leave him here.

Here I thought everything was going well. Father was to leave Friday. Now uncertain. I don't need this stress. I'm at the end of my rope. Really.

So everyone here is now trying to find something to change the insurance's mind.
Lets hope they do.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

One day at a time

So day 2 in Buenos Aires.
The morning greeted us with rain. But that quickly changed to sun and heat and humidity.
Had an 11:00am meeting at the hospital my father is at. Met with the doctors and we agreed the best avenue is to get him back to Canada, even if its against his will. He wants to go with mom at the same time. One doctor explained that its not possible. Mom would be going via AirAmbulance and he could not be on it. So so far he's in agreement. So I signed all the paper work and it was sent off to the Judge. Hopefully tomorrow we will ahve signed copies. The insurance company told me hopefully they will be here either Thursday or Friday !!! I finally get ot meet the guy I've been talking with all this time from the travel insurance.

Mom. Mom is off most of her IV's. Only has 2. She is still very drugged up! but showing signs of alertness. She opened her eyes often and turn her head somewhat!!! Amazing. The little things we never think of that we do that is sooo important.
I talked with her for over an hour. Told her about the Portuguese food I made recently. Shopping. Anyting really. Hard to talk with someone who doesn't respond. But i know she can here me.
Its hard. Seeing my mom all tied up with tubes and wires and all that shit.

Well thats it for now. Time for bed soon. Time here seems to go faster then at home.
Tomorrow is an early day.

Monday, February 11, 2008

From Bad to Worse

As many of you may or may not know, my parents were on a 21 day cruise over the christmas holidays. Their cruise ended on the 10th of Jan and they were to catch a flight home that day. Sadly that did not happen.
As the story goes, my parents never packed. On the morning of the departure for the cruise they decided to pack. But if you know anything about packing, a rushed packing frenzy equals frogotten things. Guess what was forgotten. MEDS! ALong with other things.
So my diabetic mother had couple viles of insulin and no test strips. So for days and days my mother had no clue what her blood sugars were. No clue how much insulin to give etc etc.
She ended up many times in the ship's emerg room. The doctor did his best to help her and him out. (As he had issues of his own)
By the end of the cruise my father was nuts and my mom in ketoacidosis. Meaning she was poisioning her body. Off to the hospital she went in Buenos Aires. ANd has been since. Not the same hospital mind you, but none the less here.

I flew down for a week in Feburary to deal with all the happenings. My father thinking that he is the King of th World and my poor mother. She got well quickly while I was here, but because of HIM she stayed. I had to go as I had work calling and bills.

Today the 11th Feb, I'm back in Buenos Aires. My mother is in an indused coma and on a respirator. SHe has phuenomia and it spread throughout her body. There is a term for it but it slips my mind. the doctors said she is doing better and are slowly taking her off the 5-6 IVs she is on. Once thoughs are done out comes the respirator. YAY. then home. I'm hoping this all happens this week!

Father is in a mental institute by court order. I know! This happened because he, thinking he can do as he pleases and is invincible; was out walking the streets of Bueno Aires wearing all the gold and shit he bought. The police finally said enough. And placed a court order on him.
Tomorrow I have an appointment to meet him, the doctors and who ever else to sign him off ordering him back to Canada. That will mean either a straight jacket (as the doctors here want) or heavy meds. I've been told that he wants to wait for mom. But I disagree and feel the better option is for him to go NOW. So this show down will be fun tomorrow.

Maria came down with me. She has a good heart. Although sometimes gets too involved and starts to drive me. Let me deal with things. but at least someone is here. Sadly ROb has to stay home and stake care of the ever growing family and house.

I feel sorry horrible having to put Rob through all this. He is such a strong guy. Nothing seems to phase him. It worries me that he holds back. I love him so much and appreciate all the support he gives me.

I think that is it for now. Gonna watch the one crappy channel I get. Thank goodness for Tivo downloads!