Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Vacation: Vancouver

Well, it's been a busy vacation week let me tell you!

George and I decided to go out to visit Michelle and Gary in Vancouver for a couple of days and had a most wonderful time! Oh, and did I tell you we got to fly Executive Class on the way out? Wow... remodeled airplanes with seats that stretch out so you could sleep. And that is just what we did. Unfortunately i missed our freshly baked cookie and ice cream. George tried waking me up after the fact and that just made me miserable.

There were two trip highlights:
1) Mich and Gary took us on a mountain hike that began with a sign that read "this is not a walk in the park." We all laughed at that. Two hours later we weren't laughing. Great work out on the thighs. The view at top (well, not quite top but near the snow) was gorgeous. The hike ended appropriately with beer at a cute bar in some place called sasquatch or something like that. BTW... never sit in the back seat of a VW Bug. Veryyyy uncomfortable.

2) On our second day, George and I decided to spend the day wondering around Vancouver (because our feet didn't hurt enough!) After a couple of hours, we ended up on the waterfront watching planes take off and land on the water. As a joke, we decided to go in and check out prices. For the low low price of $149 each we could take a 40 minute aerial tour of Vancouver. Needless to say it didn't take an arm twisting to convince either of us to do it. Friggin awesome! Taking off and landing is way smoother than i expected. The views are awesome although it's obvious that there is lots of money in Vancouver. Every house along the coast is a mansion.
Mister George, however, decided to ditch me and sit up with the pilot. I was stuck in the back seat all by myself. To top it off, i noticed that those sitting in the back seat would likely die first if crashed into ocean as i would have to rely on people in front of me to open the damn door. But chances are they'd be dead so i'd drown.

We took the red eye home and celebrated my birthday in Toronto. Christine had a delicious bbq for us and we spent evening playing Badminton with kids.

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