Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Vacation: New York City

Not long after returning from Vancouver, George and I jumped on another plane and made our way to New York City to see the sights with our friend, Mary. I mean Frank.

We landed in New Jersey and after a short train trip, found ourselves amidst the hustle and bustle of Penn Station during morning rush hour. We decided to walk to our hotel in the rain since traffic was bumper to bumper along 8th Ave. After meeting up with Mary, we grabbed our cameras and headed out. After about five minutes, we decided to spend a few bucks and grab some ponchos. but not just any ponchos... I Heart NY Ponchos!

The rest of the day was spent walking around midtown and stopping into stores of interest. The day's highlights include;
• Purchasing a sausage in a moldy bun. BTW... what the hell is with NY and street meat?? Your choices of topping are mustard and ketchup. That's it. That's 1 of Toronto!
• Strolling and drooling through Crate and Barrel
• Seeing our first broadway show: Mary Poppins!
• Enjoying martinis and a lovely dinner at some restaurant near Times Square
• Going to a gay dance bar with a bunch of fuglys
• Going to a gay leather bar with a bunch of fuglys

Our second day was spent literally walking, walking and more walking. Highlights include:
• Seeing the remnants of the World Trade Centre (huge tourist attraction now)
• Shopping for dirt cheap clothes
• Fighting our way through Macys to buy a griddle and Martha Stewart pot

We had a blast!

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