Monday, May 5, 2008

Green thumbs and dirt under the fingernails

This past weekend was spent in the garden planting roots of soon-to-be gorgeous flowers and George spreading his seed.

Grass seed that is.

The property is starting to take shape. It looks neat and tidy and the Lily of the Valley is about to bloom. One of our trees is in bloom and happily, the birds have taken a liking to our property. there is even a nest of sparrows on the roof! We're very excited about this as we've made an effort to make our place bird-friendly. We have two bird feeders and a bird house. Plus we've planted seeds of various grasses that apparently birds will love.

I also transplanted some flowers that I had been growing inside for the last month. George is happy to have the bedroom window sill back. I still have my tomatoes under the grow-op in the attic. They're coming along wonderfully. I'll probably put outside this weekend.

I also planted snow pea seeds in the back.

I can't wait to see our place in middle of August! Pictures will be posted.

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