Friday, May 30, 2008

Our Garden

George and I have put a fair amount of effort into our property this spring. And it officially paid off last night... a couple were walking by last evening and they stopped to say our flowers were beautiful. I casually said "oh thanks," like it was nothing. But George said I had a smile from ear to ear.

Personally, I think the highlight is George's new lawn. What started out as a field of mud after a very wet winter has been transformed into a heaven for my bare feet.

The front garden is coming along very nicely although i'm having a little trouble with the area in front of the porch. Nothing seems to be growing there. The side of the house looks spectacular... a variety of Lily of the Valley, Hostas, Ferns and more are coming along nicely. The backyard, well, is another story. That'll be a task for next year we think.

The heirloom tomatoes I planted from seed are doing very well indeed. Nice thick stems... should produce some nice stuff. The peas are spreading their leaves and the beens are poking their heads through the soil as i write this. We also planted our lettuce the other night. yummy!

And we got ourselves a clothesline so you can expect to see our nasties blowing in the wind most weekends. Good timing, too, since our dryer just broke down!

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