Saturday, March 8, 2008


No need naming our bird. He's resting peacefully with our other bird on egg shells and chicken bones.

We've given up with birds. Or they've given up with us. Whatever.

1 comment:

OnlyMi said...

Have you considered that you may have a toxic environment to birds? Have you been overheating your non-stick pans in your house?

You want to do everything possible to keep your budgie/parakeet away from hazards. Place his or her cage away from places where household cleaners and spray products such as hair spray are commonly used. And be sure you don't spray these things near the cage. It is also a good idea to keep the cage away from the kitchen, where fumes from cooking mishaps (such as an overheated Teflon pot or smoke from burnt food) could harm your budgie. Also be sure to place the cage away from drafts, such as near an A/C vent.

Sigh. Bye-bye, budgie!