Thursday, March 6, 2008

Our family gets smaller. then bigger.

You may or may not have heard that we picked up a new addition to our family about a month ago. A cute - but very loud - little canary that was unfortunately being a bit neglected due to circumstances completely beyond its control.

Anyway, it quickly made itself home. But one night after only a few weeks with us, I came home to a very quiet house. I walked upstairs and turned the light on. No scattering. I walked over to the cage. No bird sitting on perch. No biggie... he quite often would sit on the floor (the cage was higher than me sitting on top of a shelf). So I tapped the cage. Nothing. I looked in and upside down lay our canary. Dead. Recently dead as it was still soft.

Not sure what to do with him, I wrapped him in a paper towel and gently placed him on the eggshells and steak bones in our green bin. Earth to earth, literally. I cleaned the cage and put it away.

That night i was very depressed and lonely as George was out of town working. It was very quiet. That little guy made a big impression on our family.

The next day while at work, George got home and left me a message saying there was a surprise for me. Excited, I ran home and found... a new bird! Our parakeet is a gorgeous green and is very well trained. He actually comes out of the cage and sits on our fingers.

Lola isn't too impressed. Cierra is rather indifferent. Lenny is so excited she's wet. but George and I love our little bird. No name yet.


Michi said...

Cute little birdie! *smile*

I have 6 Cockatiel´s! And I can´t live without them now!

Greets from Austria

OnlyMi said...

Well I just found out that the first comment to your post contains Spyware software called XPAntiVirus. It almost got me. Thankfully I'm suspicious. Now to find a way to report it.
BTW, love the bird. You're becoming a zoo over there.
Hi to George.

OnlyMi said...

Here is what someone suggested in the Help Files to try and get rid of the SPAM like the first comment that simply takes you to Spyware that someone may inadvertently upload. Damn spammers.
BTW, the XPAntiVirus one is really invasive and is difficult to remove if you happen to install it. It will even reinstall itself. Damn spyware.

Turn on word verification in Settings>Comments. That will stop the
spambots. You can also turn on comment moderation if word
verification still lets too many spam posts through.

Hopefully you won't get anymore.