Monday, December 17, 2007

Winter is here

Someone mentioned yesterday that technically, it's still autumn. Sure hasn't felt like it! Even before this past weekend's snowfall, we have had quite a bit of snow.

We woke up this Sunday morning and this is what the cars looked like in front of our house. Luckily, we have a driveway on the back and a snowplough did a terrific job. Just a little bit of shoveling on our end. But still, it was fun watching George pull out this morning at 6am.


OnlyMi said...

I'm sure it was beautiful to look at, however, I'm certainly glad it's over there and not over here. Here, there tops of the mountains are getting a nice coating of white and nothing but rain in the city. The one weekend we got snow, it was all gone before Monday morning.
It's great that you're posting stuff again. Can't wait to see all the exciting stuff you post about Christmas.

Peter said...

M makes so many comments about your blog isn't it time she started her own?

Peter said...
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