Sunday, December 23, 2007

Puppy puke

Our puppy Cierra hasn't been doing too well lately. About six days ago she simply stopped eating. Just like that. And for a dog that needs roughly 6-7 cups a day, to stop eating is a big deal.

So after work on the second day I ran out and bought a different kind of dog food thinking that maybe she has discriminating tastes. But no... she took a couple of nibbles, turned around and rolled up in a ball and fell asleep.

Same thing the next day.

On the fourth day we reverted back to a previous dog food we know she liked. But no luck. So, off to the vet we went. $250 later, nothing. They took some blood tests but as of last night everything was negative. The one suggestion our vet had was to try wet food.

So last night we went out and bought a few cans of wet food. To our amazement, she loved it! A huge sigh of relief, until about an hour ago. She has thrown up all of it, and more i'm sure.

I'm now waiting to hear back from the vet.

Needless to say, George and I are both worried.

1 comment:

Peter said...

Don't worry, Max will be there soon and he will take care of her. Keep us up to date.