Thursday, December 3, 2009

Backyard update

Now that the cold weather is here, we officially finished our backyard. A little backwards I know... but nonetheless we managed to enjoy it over the entire summer season. The hammock George bought me for my b-day was simply perfect.

We initially had planned to fill the space between the stones with soil and plant things like moss but unfortunately we came across two mortal foes: wind erosion and money. Moss, and the amount we needed, was incredibly expensive. We spent about $100 and that covered about 10% of the yard. So, with no moss growing, the wind had a grand old time blowing away the soil.

Long story short, we decided to fill in the other 90% with pea gravel. And you know what? it looks awesome. We'll undoubtedly plant more moss and stuff over time but for now we're quite happy with how it looks. Now if i could only get George to rake those damn leaves :)

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