Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lost Time

So it's been awhile since hubby has posted something. So here I go with the updates.
ps. I'm not a writer so love me for my errors!!

As noted before Cierra had been sick. She was sadly diagnosed with a heart sickness and we ahd to make the unbelievable desicion of putting her down. I have never felt so sad. Heart pained me so much I to this day feel that I failed her and in her final moments with us I apologized to her.
I loved her dearly. And miss her more.

Its been a full year since our wedding. Hard to believe. So in celebration of our 1 year I decided to "surprise" Rob with a trip to Paris. What a wonderful trip. I had never been to France. Paris was amazing. Old looking buildings. THe Effile Tower was stunning. The Food amazing.
The best part of the trip was when we rented 2 bikes and rode around town. Tehy have a fantastic rental system there for bikes. You can buy a day card. Pick a bike ride around.... park the bike back at many of the automated bike rental racks and do your thing. Then pick up another bike ride around etc etc etc. FANTASTIC.

During this past summer we decided to redo the basement ceiling in hopes to cancel out sound transfer from our floor to the rental downstairs. It took longer than we had planned. And man was it a lot of work. But we both did it. Together at times but most times seperately. WOrk perfectly.
Recently we rented it out for October 1st. Nice lesbian girl. We think she will fit in nicely with us. She too has a dog. YAY babysitter!

So yeah thats my recount of whats ben happening since the last update.
Hugz to all.

oh btw. I love you ROB! :)

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