Friday, December 26, 2008

merry christmas!

Another Christmas come and gone. It always sneaks up on you and then, poof, it's over. I'd like to take the tree down today but George insists on waiting until after new year. This year he is responsible for taking the damn thing down! 

George and I had a lovely day. After a big breakfast of bacon, eggs and pillsbury biscuits, we snuggled up in front of the fireplace to open our gifts. Of course, the dogs got to kick things off with their stocking full of squeeky toys and bones. Kept 'em busy for a few hours. 

The humans then got down to the important stuff! George gave me a gift certificate for a new motorcycle helmet (That's going to go with my new motorcycle in the spring i hope!) as well as a gorgeous copper watering, plus a stocking full of some wicked fun stuff. I got George some fishing gear (we hop
e to head up north this summer) and a heating blanket. 
Afterwards we plunked ourselves down on the couch and watched the most traditional Christmas movie ever - Band of Brothers. Nothing like a war movie to keep things festive. 

The heated blanket came in handy later in the day as george ate too many of my fine chocolatey cookies 
and wasn't feeling too great :(

On a brighter note... I made a 13 pound turkey for the first time and it turned out great! George did the traditional thing and carved it up. Made all the trimmings, too, including a mincemeat pie (although we were too stuffed to dig into that.)

Today begins our 3 days of family adventures! Wish us luck. 

Happy holidays and 
a glorious new year to all! 

Rob and George

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