Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Whale Watching

George was working the Victoria flight with a 24-hour stopover a few weeks back so I booked off a couple of days and joined him out there.

With basically one day at our disposal, we decided to do something that has been on both our "to do" lists for years; go whale watching! So we dropped our $80 each and hopped on a relatively small yellow zodiak with 6 others and headed out into the Pacific Ocean in search of Orcas, also known as Killer Whales.

Half the fun was flying across incredibly large waves at top speed and bouncing around. Our tour guide's advice was to pretend you're riding a horse.

After about two hours, we ended up close to the Vancouver's coast and inbetween two pods of whales. Damn, what a site. They must have had a good feeding because they were actually jumping out of the water! And we even saw one calf swimming beside his mother. Marineland has nothing on seeing these incredible animals in the natural habitat.

On our way back to shore we even found ourselves surrounded by dolphins. However, these dolphins weren't the 'friendly' ones you think of... they kept their distance from our boat.

It was the best $80 we ever spent.

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