Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Home Sweet Home

Some people celebrate Christ's resurrection with a prayer. Others, a chocolate bunny. Us? we buy a house. A two storey, detached brick 8year old house halfway between the beaches and danforth. It's the best of both worlds, I'd say. Awesome front yard, lots of space, cute kitchen and much more.

It's the last house on a dead end street so we expect lots of quiet interspersed by an occasional Go Train whistle.

We can open the door in our underwear and let the dogs out to do their thing.

We can throw a load of laundry in the washer and not pick it up for 2 days.

We can compost.

We can walk to the end of our street and buy a sari.

We can plant tomato plants.

We can pay property taxes.

We can get solar panels.

Life doesn't get any better. So excited. We take possession on May 31st but won't move in till middle of month.

1 comment:

Linda Morris said...
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