Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Buying a house, part 2

This sucks.

We found an awesome home with a fantastic backyard last weekend. It was wonderful, and the price was good. We had visions of tomato plants, a BBQ and a gnome.

Tonight was when offers were being accepted.

Sigh. We didn't even come close apparently. And we put in a very good offer, too.

If we're in the friggin apartment for the entire summer I am going to be very unhappy.

Monday, April 16, 2007


Curling is officially over for another season.

My team tanked, finishing in the middle of the "F" Division. We made it into the playoffs but got our asses collectively whipped. Last night was our end of season banquet so we had a few beers, some chicken and mashed potatoes. Yum.

Next up: George wearing spandex playing ultimate frisbee.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Tragic news.

Our foray into the seedy world of becoming slum lords has come to a crushing halt.

George and I thought everything was a go, but unfortunately the seller (aka shithead) did not initial one line and when it came time for him to sign on that dotted line, he changed his mind. Despite the fact that we had agreed on a set price, he decided that it wasn't enough. He won't budge from his asking price.

So the deal is off.

But then again, we're hoping that no one else will be interested in the place at which time we'll slip in and ask for even less.

But don't fret. We will overcome this injustice and find an even better place with even better tenants. We will be slum lords, damnit!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Home Sweet Home

Some people celebrate Christ's resurrection with a prayer. Others, a chocolate bunny. Us? we buy a house. A two storey, detached brick 8year old house halfway between the beaches and danforth. It's the best of both worlds, I'd say. Awesome front yard, lots of space, cute kitchen and much more.

It's the last house on a dead end street so we expect lots of quiet interspersed by an occasional Go Train whistle.

We can open the door in our underwear and let the dogs out to do their thing.

We can throw a load of laundry in the washer and not pick it up for 2 days.

We can compost.

We can walk to the end of our street and buy a sari.

We can plant tomato plants.

We can pay property taxes.

We can get solar panels.

Life doesn't get any better. So excited. We take possession on May 31st but won't move in till middle of month.