Sunday, November 8, 2009


After a slow start to our curling season, we finally won our second game of the season! And it was a resounding win, too! The whole team came together... all cylinders were firing baby. Unfortunately, we won't be moving up a division but that's ok. Next quarter.

Free Coffee

Yesterday, George and I went to a Tassimo event at the Liberty Grand to pick up our free Tassimo coffee maker. How'd we get that you ask? Well, i entered a "Contest" whereby they determined who would be the right kind of people to become brand ambassadors for the product. There were a bunch of questions i had to answer, and knowing a thing or two about the industry, i answered them correctly. "yes, i'll tweet about your product all the time!!" That kind of shite.

Anywho, before we could get our Tassimo we had to sit through 2 hours of a couple of HGTV celebrities talk about:
a) how their tassimo changed their life and
b) how to decorate your home.

The crowd was about 80% women. 5% husbands. and 15% gay men. And it was actually quite fun.

however, the whole experience was ruined when it came time to pick up our free coffee maker. When i asked for a red one, i was told we can't choose and we must take what is given... which was an orange one. It was obvious no one ahead of us wanted orange because that's all that was left.

Sigh. beggars can't be choosers i guess.

And yes, the Tassimo makes good coffee. Although the refills are a expensive and very, very wasteful. So we're already looking at ways to reduce our Tassimo consumption.

it was actually