Sunday, August 2, 2009

What's up? A huge CC bill is what's up!

Yes, it's been awhile since I've blogged. Mea culpa.
So here's what's been going on:
- we traveled to Thailand and Hong Kong and had a most wonderful time
- we ripped out the ceiling of our basement and are in the process of doing a better job of sound proofing it so we can find new tenants who won't complain about the pitter patter of dog's nails.
- we pretty much finished the backyard (although, next year we're definitely going to have to do some updates and more planting.)

And about our dog Cierra...
Well, she isn't doing all that well. We noticed a few months ago her belly was slowly getting bigger (think pictures of Ethiopian children back in the 80's.) We took her to the vet, who charged us close to $1000 bucks to tell us that... they didn't know what was wrong and they he was very perplexed. So perplexed, in fact, he called in university professor to take a look.

While this was going on, Cierra's temperment didn't change, which confused the vet even more. She was still eating, peeing, crapping, playing and all those other fun things dogs do.

Our vet gave us 2 suggestions: give her an ultra sound (which would cost another $1000) or fix her, and while they were fixing her they would check out her insides.

Despite the fact that we wanted to breed her, we decided to go the fixing route. So last Thursday we dropped her off and waited patiently by the phone for an update.

The vet called in the afternoon to say the operation went well and Cierra was recuperating very nicely. Unfortunately, he still didn't know what was wrong. What we did learn was that he sucked out A GALON OF FLUID FROM HER ABDOMEN. A Galon! Vet said her liver looks fine as did other major organs. Needless to say, he sent biopsies of her liver, intestine and a sample of the fluid for tests.

This all cost us another $1600.

Our credit card bill is quickly adding up.

End result: our vet can't make a call as to what the problem may be but our own research leaves us feeling rather pessimistic.

Thinking positive though!