Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wow, so much has happened since last posting.

For starters, we got married! Fantastic day. The weather was a bit overcast but no rain (well, a little bit near 11pm but by then we didn't really care.) Highlights include Mom's speech, George's best man's speech, the drag queen and of course... the food! The ceremony itself was pretty great too. George cried like a schoolgirl whilst I was like the Rock of Gibraltar. People are still talking about the food. My best recollection is the smoked salmon and steak. Delicious.

I still can't get over the amount of work my sister and her husband did. No question, the wedding would not have happened without their help.

The next day we hopped on an airplane and made our way to Portugal for two fabulous weeks of incredible food, glorious sights, delicious coffee and four days of sandy beaches.

Since that time we've been back to work.

Oh, and we've unofficially started the adoption process. More to come on that at a later date.