Wednesday, July 16, 2008

We've become radicals!

Not too long ago we found out that the city is planning on chopping down one of our gorgeous oak trees. It definitely needs trimming as some of its branches are touching wires... but chop it down! No fucking way.

I've sent off a pleasant but forcefully worded email to our city councillor.

George doesn't know it yet but if we don't get a satisfactory response, he will be climbing the tree and living up there until the city comes to its senses. I will send up daily rations of food and water. And if need be, we will get married in that tree.

Our squirrels need somewhere to live!

Fight the power!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Our Wedding. Post #1

The wedding plans are coming along very nicely, indeed!

We've got the tent and stuff that goes in the tent confirmed.
The invitations have been printed and will be mailed out this week.
Our friend said yes, he'd love to marry us.
We've started piling up on booze and pop.
Our outfits have been booked.
And just yesterday we found our rings. they are spectacular! No People shit for us, thank you very much.
And the best part... mom called today to say she found a cowbell!