Thursday, June 12, 2008

Mmmm salt

I found this picture and had to post it.

Just so darned cute.

Monday, June 9, 2008

New Brunswick

Not too long ago, our friends Claire and Pierre moved to Sackville, New Brunswick. And since we're never one to pass up the opportunity to travel somewhere new and exciting, we hoped on a plane this past Friday evening and made our way there. Unfortunately we arrived at 2 in the morning since we got bumped and ended up on the last flight of the day.

No worries though... after a couple glasses of wine we jumped into bed excited for the sun to rise.

The weekend was filled with all kinds of exciting adventures, including;
• A visit to the Dieppe market where we picked up the makings of a picnic. The afternoon was then spent on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. Highlight: homemade blueberry wine.
• Driving along the Bay of Fundy heading towards a local lobsterman. Unfortunately, he was closed so we kept driving and ended up at a Sobeys in Nova Scotia where we picked up three 2lb lobsters.
• Eating 3 2lb lobsters
• Watching Colin's expression as lobster juice was sprayed all over him
• Bar hoping Sackville's 3 bars
• ATVing in the back woods
• Managing to get an ATV stuck in mud. Pierre came to my rescue.
• Visiting some flowerpot styled rocks (a famous name but i've forgotten it) and watching as the tide quickly approached our feet.
• Realizing i lost my passport... but then finding it. Thanks Air Canada for not only finding it... but keeping it safe for me!