Monday, November 26, 2007

Our trip.

We recently got back from a lovely little vacation with George's parents, my Mom and a friend of George's parents.

Our 4-day cruise with Carnival began in Los Angeles and took us to Catalina Islands and Ensenda Mexico. Weather was terrific, although the smog is disgusting. Some highlights:
- 2-hour trip through Target to buy hangers, backyard lanterns and an ipod. Obviously, things you can't buy in Toronto.
- Me throwing up behind a rental car. And again on the side of a Los Angeles highway. Thanks Harveys!
- Incredible cruise food! A certain someone was known to ask for 2 dinners. No names.
- Arguing with security
- Meeting a really dumb, blonde Canadian Carnival employee who told us to basically accept the things you can't change. She has.
- Watching George win money on the 2-cent slots. Watching my money on the 2 cent slots disappear.
- Sitting in the jacuzzi with Mama Silva
- Watching Mama Newman get harassed by the Mexican merchants. Just say no!
- Walking to the "Casino" in Catalina Islands only to find out that the "casino" is actually a movie theatre. Damn beautiful theatre!
- Driving to Kitchener 3 times.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Important Update!

Apparently i'm not blogging enough.

So you'll be very interested to know that this morning I had corn flakes with... wait for it... a banana! It was delicious!