Thursday, September 6, 2007

Our home away from home

Someone once told us that when you buy a house, Home Depot will become your second home.

True dat!

4 visits in 3 days. Except we've been going to Rona for those pesky air miles.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

I'm writing this blog update on our upstairs balcony while the sun peeks over the roof of our house and a slight breeze rustles the oak trees. It's gorgeous and it's all ours!

Our move began Wednesday and offically ended yesterday at about 5:30. For the most part it went very well. There was no way we were going to move ourselves so we hired the help of some movers. They showed up at 9:20AM and immediately got down to work. We thought they'd be all done by about 12:30... but we were wrong. They unloaded the last box at about 3 in the afternoon. So we went over our moving budget a wee bit but it was still worth it.

And even after selling our bedroom suite and dining room table and chairs, the truck was still completely full! We had to come back the following day to pick up our jungle of plants. Luckily we had a truck for the week as the car was out of commission (see previous post).

Of course, all was not perfect.

While moving, a building maintenance guy came by to do an inspection. According to him he found a bunch of problems that we're responsible for. However, we refused to sign his document so George and I expect a court date in the near future. Fuckers. I look forward to meeting them in small claims. I always thought I'd be a good lawyer.

Robert & George: We object
Judge: What are you objecting to?
Robert & George: We object to the fact that the plaintiff is wearing white after labour day!
Judge: Guilty!

So anyway, we came back to the apartment on the Thursday to paint over some dark blue and give the place a good clean. Damn,it looked good! In the meantime, we had our new dining room suite and bed delivered to new house. Looks incredible.

Friday was our last visit to apartment... final cleaning and a few more plants plus locker and bikes. As we approached, we found ourselves completely blocked out by the police! The entire neighbourhood was under quarantine because right across from the apartment was the Esso Gas station where the car full of letter bombs was sitting! We had to come by that evening to finish up.

The dogs seem to be handling things well. No more 22 floors of elevators! Peeing on demand! We think squirrels live under our porch since both dogs go crazy sniffing it. Quite funny.

That's it for now!