Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Vacation is, sigh, over.

George and I just finished a most wonderful vacation/birthday week.

Our intention was to go to the cottage and visit my folks from Friday through Wednesday, but we were having so much fun we extended our stay till Friday. Seven full days up on the Bruce Peninsula.

Highlights included:
- Visiting the most lovely Dyers Bay on my Birthday and spending the morning walking the shores of Georgian Bay with the pups. Unfortunately the Beaver Tail shack in Tobermory was closed so we dug into some incredibly overpriced fish and chips.
- Playing Scrabble with Mom and Dad while drinking wine.
- Enjoying dinner in Owen Sound
- Hiking along the Bruce Trail
- Lying in bed watching lightening light up our bedroom
- Listening to the frogs
- Watching snakes slither and mate

We returned to Toronto for the Victoria Day weekend. For George's Birthday we went over to Centre Island and had a picnic, which included a collection of cheeses, sausages, fresh fruit and cold wine. Later that evening we drove out to Oakville and went to the Drive-in. Didn't get home till close to 4 in the morning! Fabulous time.

The Monday was spent on our bikes. My bum still hurts.

Here's one for you:

Hi Michelle!