Tuesday, February 27, 2007

My Thighs Hurt

This past weekend we made the trek to my parents home up on the Bruce Peninsula for a weekend of cross country skiing, fine food and our traditional Saturday evening wine party.

But it's amazing what 10 kilometers on a pair of skis will do to your appetite for booze.

After a dinner of curry shrimp, we all found ourselves sprawled out in front of a roaring fire chitchatting. Of course, the dogs hijacked prime location.

By 9:30, my head was bouncing off my chest.By 9:45, I was fast asleep. And by 2:00, apparently I was howling, or so says George.

All in all it was a wonderful weekend and we look forward getting up there again very soon.

This just in!!!!

Can you imagine being on the front page of the Toronto Star!!!!

A day, a month, a year...

It seems like yesterday that I met the man of my dreams. Simply by luck. or fate. Whatever is was and is, I'm happy.
Never really knew true happiness until now. You know it when you get excited to come home after being away at work. You know it when you get excited when he comes home for dinner.

A day is exciting when simply laying on the couch having coffee and reading the paper. the simple things are what matter.

I thank the Gods for allowing me to share my life with Robert.
Love you puppy

1 Glorious Year

1 year + 1 day ago, I started dating this really cute guy. Today he's my fiancé!

This first post is simply to say: Yo da best. Love you!

Happy 1 year and a day.
